Month: September 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Stain Removal for Pet Owners

As cherished members of our families, our furry friends bring joy, love, and companionship into our lives. However, they also bring the occasional mess, leaving pet owners facing the age-old challenge of stain removal. Whether it’s a muddy pawprint on the carpet, a stubborn urine stain on the couch, or a slobbery mishap on your favorite shirt, the quest to keep our homes clean while sharing them with pets can be challenging. 

Fear not, for this guide is here to be your trusty companion in conquering those inevitable pet-related stains. While you can always seek help from reliable cleaning services in Loveland, CO, we’ll provide you with some expert tips and tried-and-true techniques so you can act timely and efficiently. Say goodbye to pet-related stains and hello to a clean, pet-friendly home!


How do you get rid of pet stains?

With the right approach and a little patience, you can effectively remove stains and keep your home fresh and hygienic. Here are the steps you can take:

  • Act quickly: The key to successful stain removal is to address the problem as soon as you notice it. The longer a stain sits, the harder it becomes to remove.
  • Blot, don’t rub: When dealing with fresh stains, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot up as much of the liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the fabric or carpet fibers.
  • Pretest solutions: Before applying any solution, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the material to ensure it doesn’t cause damage or discoloration.

Follow these tips for different types of stains and other ways of keeping your home stain-free:

Urine stains

For urine stains on carpets or upholstery, blot up the urine first, then apply a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar. Blot the area again, rinse with water, and blot dry. You can also use specialized pet stain removers designed for urine.

Fecal stains

Scrape off any solid residue gently with a plastic utensil, being careful not to smear it. Then, clean the area with a mixture of mild detergent and water. Rinse and blot dry.

Vomit stains

Remove any solids, and then apply a mixture of water and mild dish soap. Blot the stain, rinse with water, and blot dry. You can also use an enzyme-based product for tough vomit stains.

Blood stains

For fresh bloodstains, rinse with cold water and blot. For dried blood, mix cold water with salt to form a paste, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for 15-30 minutes before rinsing.

Pet hair

To remove pet hair from furniture and fabrics, use a lint roller, rubber gloves, or a pet hair removal brush. For carpets, vacuum regularly with a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair removal.

Odor removal

Pet stains often come with lingering odors. To combat these, sprinkle baking soda over the affected area, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it up. Alternatively, use a pet-specific odor neutralizer.

Carpet cleaning

Periodically deep clean your carpets to remove deeply embedded stains and odors. You can rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional service.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of future pet stains, potty train your pets, provide them with designated areas for accidents, use protective covers on furniture and car seats, and make sure you properly maintain their belongings.

Consult professionals

For stubborn or persistent stains, or if you’re unsure about how to handle a specific situation, don’t hesitate to consult a professional service. They have the expertise and equipment to tackle even the toughest pet stains.


Who offers quality cleaning services in Loveland, CO?

When you’re in need of reliable and adequate home upkeep, our experts at Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins are ready to help you tackle projects of any scope. Our meticulous pros apply advanced methods and top-notch supplies and equipment to render your space fresh, hygienic, and safe for you to enjoy. Take your time to relax at the Rialto Theater and let our experts take care of the rest. Book your session today!

Cleaning and Caring for Your Pet’s Belongings

Our furry companions bring joy and love into our lives, and their belongings are an integral part of our homes. From toys and beds to food dishes and crates, these items make them feel comfortable and secure. However, keeping these items clean is not just about securing thorough house cleaning for your home in Loveland, CO, it’s also vital for your pets’ health and well-being. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the essential tips and techniques for maintaining and caring for your pet’s belongings. By doing so, you’ll ensure a hygienic environment for them and extend the lifespan of their cherished possessions, all while fostering a happier, healthier pet-family bond.

How do you clean pet stuff?

From their toys to bedding and feeding supplies, keeping these items hygienic helps prevent the buildup of bacteria, allergens, and odors, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for both you and your furry friend. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to take care of various pet belongings:

1. Pet toys

Most rubber and plastic toys are dishwasher safe. Place them on the top rack and run them through a hot water cycle without detergent. If your pet’s stuffed toys are machine washable, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Otherwise, spot clean with a pet-safe stain and odor remover. Make sure you disassemble any interactive toys and disinfect their components according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Pet bedding

Pet beds with removable covers are easier to take care of. Throw the covers in your washer for a cold cycle and use a pet-safe detergent. For beds with non-removable covers, vacuum thoroughly to remove loose fur and debris. Spot clean stains with an appropriate product and let it air dry.

3. Food and water dishes

Wash food and water dishes daily with warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue. Once a week, sanitize bowls by soaking them in a mixture of water and vinegar or by running them through the dishwasher.

4. Crates and carriers

Wipe down crates and carriers with pet-safe disinfectant wipes or a mixture of water and vinegar to remove any messes. Periodically remove the bedding and give the crate or carrier a thorough cleaning, using pet-safe products. Ensure it’s completely dry before placing bedding back inside.

5. Collars and leashes

Wipe down collars and leashes with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime. If needed, soak these items in a mixture of water and pet-friendly shampoo. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to air dry.

6. Litter boxes

Scoop waste from the litter box daily to prevent the forming of odors and clumps. In addition, replace litter regularly and wash the litter box with mild soap and water during litter changes.

7. Grooming tools

Remove hair and debris from brushes and combs after each use. Periodically soak them in warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Keep the nail clippers always clean and sharp. Wipe them down with a disinfectant after use.

8. Pet clothes

Wash your pet’s clothes separately in cold water using a mild detergent. Follow the care instructions on the label. Avoid using a dryer, as high heat can damage the fabric.

Where can I find reliable house cleaning in Loveland, CO?

Whether you need regular home upkeep, a deep session to thoroughly disinfect your living space, or any specific add-ons, Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins is the team you can rely on. Our experienced technicians have the necessary skills, tools, and supplies to ensure your home receives the tailored treatment it deserves. Spend an inspiring afternoon at the Loveland Museum as our pros make sure you come back to a hygienic and spotless home. Call today!