Category: Home Cleaning

10 Steps to Cleaning Hardwood Floors

Deep cleaning of hardwood floors is crucial for revitalizing your home, especially after the winter months. Winter often brings in salt, moisture, and debris, which can harm the hardwood’s finish. Cleaning in spring removes these contaminants, preventing potential long-term damage. A clean hardwood floor not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces but also contributes to a healthier indoor environment, free from allergens and irritants. 

While most people book expert deep cleaning services in Wellington to make sure the task is properly handled, there are also some things you can do for your floors yourself. 

How to clean hardwood floors?

Deep cleaning hardwood floors involves a strategic approach to preserve their beauty and extend their lifespan. Here are key tips to properly take care of them.

1. Sweeping and vacuuming

Begin by sweeping or vacuuming the entire floor to remove loose dirt and debris. Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a floor attachment to prevent scratches. Ensure the vacuum doesn’t have a beater bar, as this can damage the wood.

2. Choose the right product

Select a high-quality hardwood floor solution specifically designed for your floor’s finish. Avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive water, as these can cause damage. Water and vinegar mixtures are not recommended, as they can dull the finish and potentially damage the wood over time.

3. Microfiber mop for gentle wiping

Invest in a microfiber mop for gentle yet effective cleaning. Dampen the mop with the chosen hardwood floor solution, ensuring it’s not overly wet. Excess water can seep into the wood and cause swelling or warping.

4. Focus on high-traffic areas

Concentrate on high-traffic areas during deep cleaning. These spaces often accumulate more dirt and wear, so a targeted approach ensures the most effective results. Be very meticulous with entryways, hallways, and frequently used rooms.

5. Tackle stubborn stains

For stubborn stains or sticky residues, use a soft cloth or sponge slightly dampened with the hardwood cleaner. Gently rub the affected area, avoiding excessive pressure. Always follow up with a dry cloth to prevent lingering moisture.

6. Be cautious with steam

While some hardwood floors can tolerate steam, it’s crucial to check with the manufacturer or a flooring professional before attempting this method. Excessive moisture can lead to irreversible damage if not compatible with your floor’s finish.

7. Dry thoroughly

After cleaning, ensure the hardwood floor is completely dry. Excess moisture is one of the primary enemies of hardwood, potentially causing warping, swelling, or mold growth. Use fans or open windows to expedite the drying process.

8. Regular maintenance schedule

Establish a regular maintenance schedule to prevent dirt buildup and protect the finish. This may include weekly sweeping or vacuuming, yearly deep cleaning, and immediate attention to spills or stains. Consistency is key to keeping your hardwood floors in optimal condition.

9. Protective measures

Consider adding protective measures, such as area rugs or furniture pads, to high-traffic areas or under heavy furniture. These precautions minimize wear and tear, preserving the integrity of the hardwood.

10. Professional inspection and refinishing

Periodically, enlist the expertise of a professional for a thorough inspection of your hardwood floors. If needed, schedule refinishing to address scratches, dents, or worn-out finishes. Professional care ensures your hardwood floors remain in top-notch condition for years to come.

How do I book expert deep cleaning services in Wellington

How do I book expert deep cleaning services in Wellington?

A professional cleaning company can help with your floor maintenance as well as the upkeep of other areas of the house. Here at Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins, we make sure to maintain the appeal and hygiene of your home in Wellington or the surrounding areas with meticulous deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery as well as hardwood floors. With our experts by your side, you’ll avoid all of those pesky mistakes that many make when cleaning and your home will truly shine this spring.

Deep Cleaning Carpets and Upholstery: Tips & Tricks

With spring fast approaching, most homeowners are making plans to spruce up their properties and get them in top shape. The areas of the house that were neglected during winter are now getting their much-needed maintenance, and carpets and upholstery are usually the first to receive some attention. 

Upholstery and carpets are prone to dirt accumulation and staining while also made from sensitive and porous materials. This is why many homeowners opt to delegate this task to some of the leading experts in deep cleaning in Wellington. In any case, you need to be very careful when cleaning them to protect their integrity, so expert tips can come in handy.

How to deep clean carpets and upholstery?

To ensure effective cleaning without causing damage, here are the top 5 tips for DIY-ing the process.

1. Gather the right tools and equipment

Before starting the process itself, you’ll need to get the right tools. A high-quality vacuum cleaner with various attachments, a carpet or upholstery cleaning solution, a bucket, soft brushes or cloths, and clean towels are essential. Ensure that the products you choose are suitable for the specific fabric or material of your carpets and upholstery. This is very important when it comes to protecting it from damage.

2. Vacuum thoroughly before cleaning

The first step in any successful carpet and upholstery cleaning routine is thorough vacuuming. Vacuuming helps remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from the surface, preventing them from grinding into the fabric during the process. Use the appropriate attachments to reach corners, edges, and crevices, and pay extra attention to high-traffic areas. This step sets the stage for a more effective overall cleaning.

3. Spot test and choose the right solution

Different fabrics and materials require different types of treatment. Before applying any solution to your carpets or upholstery, perform a spot test in an inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility and avoid potential damage. Once you’ve confirmed the product’s safety, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and applying the solution. Choose a product that addresses your specific needs, whether it’s for general maintenance, stain removal, or odor control.

4. Blot stains instead of rubbing

When dealing with stains on carpets or upholstery, resist the urge to rub vigorously. Instead, use a gentle blotting motion with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb the stain. Rubbing can spread the stain and damage the fibers. For tougher stains, apply the product and let it sit for a few minutes before blotting. Patience is key to allowing the product to break down the stain without causing additional harm.

5. Allow for adequate drying time

After cleaning, it’s crucial to allow carpets and upholstery to dry thoroughly. Improper drying can lead to mold and mildew growth, unpleasant odors, and potential damage to the fabric. Ensure good ventilation by opening windows, using fans, or employing a dehumidifier to expedite the drying process. Avoid walking on or placing furniture on damp carpets or upholstery to prevent any potential re-soiling.

Where can I book thorough deep cleaning near me in Wellington

Where can I book thorough deep cleaning near me in Wellington?

With Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins,  you’ll be able to maintain a hygienic and inviting home environment in the Wellington area, while preserving the longevity and beauty of your furnishings. Our team uses powerful tools that can get you rid of tough staining and unsightly dirt without compromising the integrity of your carpeting or furniture. We also have the experience and expertise that allows us to confidently apply these techniques to the best effect.

We’re the go-to company for all of your spring cleaning needs. By booking our services, you’ll avoid the irreversible damage improper cleaning can do. Rely on us to take great care of all of the areas of your home, including expertly cleaning your hardwood floors. We’re just a phone call away!

Deep Cleaning for Allergy Relief

Welcome to a transformative journey where cleanliness meets well-being. Beyond the surface gleam, we delve into the profound impact a meticulously cleaned home has on allergy sufferers. As dust settles, so do allergic reactions. Renowned companies in Timnath that provide deep house cleaning can help you take care of your home and in this guide, we navigate the nexus between deep cleaning practices and respiratory health, unveiling strategies to reduce allergens lurking in the corners. Discover a haven where sneezes are silenced, and the air is as crisp as the freshly disinfected spaces. Join us in exploring the art of thorough cleaning tailored for a sanctuary that nurtures not just hygiene, but allergy-free serenity.

How do you deep clean a room for allergies?

When it comes to combating allergies, a meticulous routine can be a game-changer. Allergens such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold can trigger allergic reactions, making it crucial to create an environment that minimizes their presence. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to disinfect for allergies and transform your living space into a haven of relief:

1. Dusting with precision

Begin your journey by dusting surfaces with precision. Use a damp microfiber cloth to capture and trap dust particles, preventing them from becoming airborne. Pay special attention to often overlooked areas such as ceiling fan blades, light fixtures, and baseboards.

2. Vacuuming strategically

Invest in a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter vacuum cleaner to ensure that allergens are effectively trapped and not released back into the air. Vacuum carpets, rugs, upholstery, and curtains regularly, focusing on areas where allergens tend to accumulate.

3. Washing bedding and linens

Bedding and linens are hotspots for allergens, particularly dust mites. Wash sheets, pillowcases, and mattress covers in hot water to eliminate these microscopic pests. Consider using allergen-proof covers on pillows and mattresses for an extra layer of protection.

4. Deep cleaning carpets and upholstery

Carpets and upholstery can harbor allergens, so it’s essential to disinfect them regularly. Steam cleaning is a highly effective method for eliminating dust mites and removing embedded allergens from these surfaces.

5. Purifying the air

Invest in air purifiers with HEPA filters to cleanse the air of allergens. Place these purifiers strategically in bedrooms and other frequently used spaces. Additionally, consider using dehumidifiers to control moisture levels, as damp environments can contribute to mold growth.

6. Tackling mold and mildew

Mold and mildew are potent allergens that thrive in damp areas. Inspect bathrooms, basements, and other areas prone to moisture, and address any signs of mold promptly. Clean and disinfect surfaces with mold-killing solutions to prevent its recurrence.

7. Pet care and allergen management

If you have pets, regular grooming and bathing can significantly reduce pet dander, the primary allergen associated with furry companions. Designate pet-free zones in your home, especially in bedrooms, to minimize exposure.

8. Decluttering for allergen control

Decluttering isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move for allergy relief. Minimize knickknacks and decorative items that collect dust, and opt for easy-to-clean surfaces and furnishings.

9. Regular HVAC maintenance

Ensure your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are well-maintained. Change air filters regularly, and consider upgrading to HEPA filters for enhanced allergen removal.

10. Allergy-friendly products

Choose cleaning products labeled as allergy-friendly or hypoallergenic. These products are formulated to minimize irritants and allergens, providing a safer experience for allergy sufferers.

Where in Timnath can I find reliable deep house cleaning

Where in Timnath can I find reliable deep house cleaning?

Whether you’re looking to complete deep cleaning your home within 48 hours or you’re wondering how it can positively affect your well-being, Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins can help answer all your questions and concerns. Our diligent team boasts exceptional skills and utilizes advanced technology to render your home safe, hygienic, and welcoming. We’re available throughout Larimer County and beyond, so contact us today and enjoy all the perks of working with us!

Decluttering Before Deep Cleaning

Embarking on a deep cleaning journey is akin to giving your home a refreshing breath of fresh air. However, the path to pristine spaces isn’t just about scrubbing surfaces—it begins with the art of decluttering. Imagine a canvas free of unnecessary brushstrokes, allowing every detail to shine. In today’s article, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between decluttering and deep house cleaning in Timnath. Unveiling the secrets behind a clutter-free haven, this guide will not only simplify your surroundings but also set the stage for an effective and transformative thorough clean up

Should you declutter before cleaning?

While the order in which you tackle these tasks might not be a household debate, the significance of the sequence is undeniable. The consensus among cleaning experts and organizational gurus is a resounding “yes” to decluttering before diving into the upkeep process. Here’s why:

1. Clearing the canvas

Imagine trying to paint a masterpiece on a cluttered canvas—difficult, right? In the same vein, attempting to thoroughly disinfect a space crowded with unnecessary items is counterproductive. Decluttering serves as the preliminary step, providing a clear canvas for your further efforts. Remove the excess, and you’ll find yourself with a more manageable and visually appealing space to work with.

2. Efficiency amplified

Decluttering enhances the efficiency of your routine. When surfaces are clutter-free, you can access every nook and cranny without obstacles, making the process faster and more effective. It’s like removing roadblocks on your path to a sparkling home.

3. Preventing redundant efforts

Picture this: you meticulously clean a countertop only to realize later that half of the items weren’t supposed to be there in the first place. Decluttering first prevents redundant efforts. By sorting through and organizing items beforehand, you ensure that the process you invest your time in is purposeful and lasting.

4. Mental clarity

Decluttering isn’t just about physical space—it extends to mental clarity. A cluttered environment can contribute to stress and anxiety, and a tidy, organized space has the opposite effect. By decluttering first, you set the stage for a more peaceful and focused mindset during the process.

5. Uncovering hidden issues

Decluttering often reveals hidden issues such as mold, pests, or structural concerns that may have been obscured by the chaos. Addressing these issues during the decluttering phase ensures a comprehensive disinfection that goes beyond the surface.

6. Sustainable results

The synergy of decluttering and deep cleaning creates sustainable results. When you invest time in decluttering, you’re more likely to maintain the cleanliness of your space. It’s a proactive approach that goes beyond a one-time spree, fostering an environment of order and simplicity.

7. Creating a positive feedback loop

It establishes a positive feedback loop for maintaining a tidy home. When you start by organizing and removing unnecessary items, you’re more likely to appreciate and preserve the cleanliness achieved through the subsequent efforts. This cyclical process encourages a continuous commitment to order and cleanliness, turning your home into a haven of comfort and aesthetic appeal.

8. Personalized priorities

Decluttering allows you to identify and prioritize your cleaning needs based on your lifestyle and preferences. By assessing and categorizing items during this phase, you can tailor your deep cleaning efforts to focus on specific areas that require more attention. This personalized approach ensures that your endeavors are purposeful and aligned with the unique demands of your living space, leading to a more targeted and satisfactory outcome.

Who provides comprehensive deep house cleaning in Timnath

Who provides comprehensive deep house cleaning in Timnath?

Whether you need to deep clean to get rid of allergens or looking to complete your routine in two days’ time, reach out to our experts at Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins. With extensive experience and continual dedication to excellence, we’ll address your needs leaving your home in pristine condition. Whether you reside in Timnath or across the country, you can count on our diligent team. Get in touch with us today!

Deep Cleaning Hacks: Tips from the Pros

Keeping your home in pristine condition is a task that many find challenging, especially when it comes to that once-in-a-blue-moon thorough cleanup that goes beyond the regular sweep and mop. If you’re located in Windsor, CO, and in need of some serious deep house cleaning, you know that this challenge can be tough. 

But fear not, because with some professional tips and tricks for detailed cleanups up your sleeve, that spick-and-span home won’t be just a fantasy.

How can I make deep cleaning easier?

Grab your gloves and get ready to transform your space with these expert hacks that promise to make your cleanup spree less of a chore and more of a victory lap.

  1. Start with a plan 

Kick off your housekeeping session with a clear plan. Make a checklist in which you will list down the areas that need the most attention and categorize your tasks by room. This will give you a visual roadmap of where to start and what to tackle next, keeping you focused and efficient.

  1. Tackle the clutter 

Before you even think about dusting or vacuuming, you should declutter first. Remove any unnecessary items that don’t belong in a room. Not only does it clear space for you to wipe everything down more easily, but it also makes the entire space look wider and clearer immediately.

  1. Work from top to bottom 

Always start wiping or scrubbing from the top of the room and work your way down. This way, any dust or debris that falls won’t dirty up areas you’ve already tackled.

  1. Microfiber magic 

Microfiber cloths are a cleaner’s best friend. They attract dust and absorb spills more effectively than traditional cloths, making your job easier and faster. Plus, they’re reusable – just toss them in the wash for the next round.

  1. The power of steam

Invest in a good steam cleaner for your floors, upholstery, and even bathroom tiles. Steam is a natural disinfectant and can get rid of dirt and grime without the need for harsh chemicals. It’s especially effective on carpets.

  1. Don’t ignore small items 

Light switches, door knobs, and cabinet handles are often overlooked but remember, they harbor a lot of germs. A quick wipe with a disinfectant can make a big difference. Don’t forget about these surfaces.

  1. Lemon and baking soda

You could choose eco-friendly solutions for your kitchen and bathroom surfaces. You can’t go wrong with the tried-and-true green combination of lemon and baking soda. This duo works wonders on stains and smells without leaving any harmful residue behind.

  1. Call in the pros 

The cleanup is sometimes too challenging to handle alone. Don’t hesitate to call in experienced professionals for that extra help while you lay back and relax. A tidy home is important for your health and no one can make it sparkle as easily as experienced pros.

Where in Windsor, CO and the surrounding area can I find experts for deep house cleaning

Where in Windsor, CO and the surrounding area can I find experts for deep house cleaning?

Ready to transform your home from the inside out? Our team from Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins is just a phone call away. Whether you’re looking for a one-time thorough cleanup or regular maintenance, we’ve got you covered. 

Imagine enjoying a cup of coffee at Boyd Lake State Park after a day of housework – except this time, you didn’t have to lift a finger. That’s the kind of service we provide. Contact us today and take the first step towards a cleaner, happier home in Windsor.

Green Cleaning: How to Deep Clean Your Home Naturally

In an era where environmental consciousness is not just a trend but a necessity, many homeowners are turning towards more sustainable and natural methods to keep their living spaces clean and healthy. The concept of green sanitization not only benefits our environment but also ensures that our homes are safe havens, free from harsh chemicals. 

Some homeowners choose to rely on pros for deep house cleaning in Windsor, CO. Whether you do the same or want to tackle this on your own, let’s delve into the world of green solutions, exploring how to thoroughly sanitize your home naturally and effectively.

How can I sanitize my house naturally?

The cornerstone of a natural approach lies in using ingredients that are non-toxic and easily available. Here’s how you can start:

1. Embrace the power of vinegar

White vinegar is a natural disinfectant. Its acidic nature makes it effective against bacteria, mold, and germs. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can add a few drops of essential oils like lemon or lavender for a pleasant scent. Use this solution to clean surfaces, kitchen counters, and even bathroom tiles.

2. Baking soda magic

Baking soda is a versatile cleaner, great for scrubbing and deodorizing. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then vacuum for a fresher feel. For tougher grime, make a paste of baking soda and water, apply on the area, let it sit, and then scrub.

3. Lemon: the natural bleach

Lemons are natural bleaches and can be used to remove stains and brighten whites. A mixture of lemon juice and salt can work wonders in removing rust stains or brightening grout.

4. Essential oils for disinfecting

Certain essential oils like tea tree, eucalyptus, and lavender have natural antibacterial properties. Adding a few drops to your solutions not only imparts a fresh fragrance but also boosts efficiency and power.

5. Steam cleanups

Using steam is a powerful way to sanitize surfaces without chemicals. High-temperature steam can kill bacteria and dust mites, making it ideal for upholstery, curtains, and even bathroom surfaces.

6. Microfiber cloths

Microfiber cloths are excellent for wiping surfaces down without chemicals. Their fine fibers can trap dirt and dust effectively. They’re reusable, making them an eco-friendly choice.

7. Air purification with plants

Certain plants like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants are known for their air-purifying qualities. They can naturally remove toxins from the air, providing a healthier indoor environment.

8. Regular maintenance

Lastly, regular maintenance is key. It prevents the build-up of grime and dirt, making the disinfection sessions less challenging and more effective. You can create a checklist of the necessary daily, weekly and monthly tasks. 

A green approach is not just about the products; it’s a mindset. It’s about being mindful of our choices and their impact on our health and the environment. While DIY solutions are great, sometimes you might need a bit more expertise from the pros, especially for tasks that require a more detailed approach.

How do I find dependable deep house cleaning in Windsor, CO

How do I find dependable deep house cleaning in Windsor, CO and the surrounding area?

If you’re looking for professional assistance in taking care of your home naturally, look no further. Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins specializes in green solutions, ensuring your home is not only spotless but also safe and environmentally friendly. 

Our team uses non-toxic, sustainable methods tailored to your needs. Whether you live by the Fossil Creek Reservoir or in another part of Windsor, we’re here for you. Let us help you create a cleaner, healthier living space. Contact us today for a greener, brighter home.

How to Get Your Kids to Help You With Cleaning?

When you’re in a hurry and need to clean up your home in Fort Collins swiftly, you can hire a company that offers dependable house cleaning services. However, having kids makes it hard to maintain the everyday cleanliness of your house. While children love making a mess, they don’t prefer cleaning. Sanitizing is a boring and demanding task for them while making a mess is something they don’t have to put any effort into. 

This is why you should find effective ways to encourage them to tidy up the place after playing a game or help you out during the clean-up. To help you make a plan, we’ve prepared a list of ideas to help you teach your children about the importance of cleaning. Read on!

How do I get my kids involved in cleaning?

How do I get my kids involved in cleaning

It is of great importance for your children to develop cleaning habits. If you always pick things up after your child they’ll get used to it and won’t help you when they get older. By learning the value of cleaning, they’ll develop a sense of responsibility and self-reliance. 

Some studies have even shown that the kids who learn to complete household chores at an early age are more likely to acquire excellent social and academic skills so it’s definitely worth the effort. Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to show your children cleaning can be less awful than they think:


When providing them with a task, make sure to communicate clearly and politely with them. You should choose your words carefully and instead of just telling them to clean, tell them exactly what they should do. Try to explain why cleaning up is important, acknowledge their cleaning efforts, and don’t use cleaning as a punishment.

Toy storage

One of the ways to declutter your home with kids and include them in cleaning tasks is to have a kid-friendly and easily accessible toy storage. It can be a colorful box, a house-like tent, anything your kids will like. You can also place removable picture labels on every storage bin you use so that kids easily know where everything goes.

Try to make it interesting

There are numerous ways to make cleaning tasks more entertaining for them. You can make it a game by using a timer or you can sing a song while doing the chores. More importantly, you shouldn’t fix the areas after them and the whole family should work together. Rewards are acceptable, but only sometimes, because your main goal is for them to focus on the benefits of a tidy home, not on the reward itself.

Be consistent

Consistency is of great importance for developing any habit, especially for encouraging a behavior like cleaning. If you and your kids have a cleaning schedule and follow it every day, it’s more likely they’ll get used to cleaning. For example, you can make a little colorful calendar with names and duties of each family member.

Where in Fort Collins and the area can I hire quality house cleaning services?

If you want your home or office to be cleaned in a professional and hassle-free manner, Reliable Cleaning Services is your company of choice. We offer you our reliable equipment, client-centered approach, detail-oriented clean-ups, and thoroughly screened experts. You can rely on us for post-construction, move-in, and move-out cleanings, too. 

We’ll also develop a personalized step-by-step plan that will meet your needs and expectations. Whether you need your pet-friendly home to become tidy and clean, or you’re having problems with pet odors in your home, or you want a neat and fresh working space, we have a solution for you. While you recharge at The Gardens on Spring Creek, we’ll do the dirty work for you. Call us today.

How to Clean a Home With Kids in 4 Steps

Everyone likes a tidy home and has a difficult time living in a chaotic space. It’s not easy to keep your house clean and tidy while your kids are running around and leaving a mess everywhere they go. However, not everybody has the time and nerve to clean up every day which is why they place their tedious household chores into the hands of expert house cleaners in Fort Collins, CO, and the area.

Apart from getting professional help, informing yourself about the most useful steps in successfully sanitizing your house with kids will also make things easier for you. If you want to learn them, keep reading our practical guidelines.

How do you keep your house clean enough with kids?

How do you keep your house clean enough with kids

If you’re looking at your cluttered home right now and worry you’ll have to give up your neat and organized home, the good news is there are ways to go from messy to clean in no time. The most important thing is to tidy up and organize things around your house every day. Complete smaller tasks and tackle every room every day to get optimum results. The following steps can be of great help:

1. Daily routine (write down a cleaning schedule)

You should write down a cleaning schedule and let it become your routine. This way you’ll have specific time set aside just for cleaning instead of constantly wondering how and when to sanitize your home. To make things even easier, you and your family should create little tidy-up habits such as making their own bed, or decluttering after them.

2. A place for everything

To ensure your space is always tidy and organized, sort your items and find a spot for them. If a place becomes too stuffed, then you’ll know you have too many similar items. Also, if your belongings have a clear home, it’ll be much easier to put them back and continue with the cleaning process. When having kids, it’s very important for them to have a specific place for toys.

3. Declutter 

Sometimes a messy home is simply a home with clutter so know when to get rid of things. Make sure you clear surfaces such as cupboards and shelves as much as you can. You can also use a bin for each room and place things inside it. This way, at the end of the week you’ll need to put away only a bin and not a bunch of things around your house.

4. Use storage containers and bags

Storage containers such as boxes, plastic bins and bags can really help you organize things and declutter your space. When using them for toys, make sure they’re kid accessible and encourage your little ones to put their things away when they’re finished with playing, drawing, etc.

Where can I hire reliable and detail-oriented house cleaners in Fort Collins, CO?

Whether you need a move in/out, deep, office, or post-construction cleanings, or you simply want to keep your house with pets neat, Reliable Cleaning Services is at your disposal. With years of experience and numerous happy clients, we have the expertise necessary to provide you with dependable and quality service.  Our experts are seasoned, trained, and stringently vetted for your peace of mind. We’ll use only reliable methods and supplies, and tailor a personalized plan for each of our clients. You can point out any specific request you have, such as dealing with the pet odor inside your home, and we’ll strive to meet your needs. Whether your place is near Poudre River Whitewater Park or in the surrounding area, our professionals will be there to keep everything sanitized and presentable. Call us or ask for a free quote today!

6 Questions To Ask Cleaners Before Hiring Them

Finding a cleaning company can be a challenge, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. It’s important to do your research, check out a few businesses, and ask about everything you want to know.

We’ll break down 6 questions you should ask before deciding on the best Loveland, CO cleaners for your home.

What should I ask my potential cleaners before hiring them?

what should I ask my potential cleaners before hiring them

One of our many tips about landing quality cleaners is that even if you find some info online, it’s always better to ask the company directly.

By asking the right questions, you can get a better idea of whether or not a company is the right fit for your needs. You’ll also get a chance to spot any red flags and learn about the benefits that come with choosing the business in question.

Here are 6 questions you’ll want answers to. Feel free to adapt them to your specific situation.

Ask about the cleaners’ experience

One of the most important things to know about is the technicians’ experience. Have they cleaned houses, apartments, or offices before? How long have they been in this profession and in this company? See if their work history matches what you’re looking for.

Learn about the hiring and/or training process

If you want skilled and dedicated people making your home fresh and new again, you should inquire about the recruiting process.

How picky is the company about the applicants? Have the hired persons been background-checked? Are the workers qualified to keep your house in tip-top shape? The more you know about the professionals, the safer you’ll feel about letting them take care of everything.

Inquire about the equipment and supplies

The products they use are just as vital as the people you’ll hand your cleaning tasks to. Make sure you ask whether you need to prepare anything or they’ll bring what’s necessary for the job. You can also find out whether a company purchases eco-friendly supplies.

Find out what rates and prices a company offers

Once you say what kind of home you live in and what type of tidying up you require, you should be able to get an estimate and see if it’s within your budget. The right company will be transparent and offer fairly priced services.

Ask whether you can customize the clean-up plan

Every home is unique, so it’s good to have the option to adapt the cleaning checklist. You should find out what plans a company offers and whether you can tweak the chosen one.

Figure out how much time is needed to clean your home

By letting professionals take care of your home, you’re gaining precious time. But, you should know in advance how much time that is so that you can schedule the rest of your day and know when not to be home or have guests over.

Make sure the business has insurance

If you want to feel safe and relaxed while the experts are sprucing up your place, you’d want to know whether they have liability and workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

how to book Loveland's dependable cleaners

Ask away and book Loveland, CO’s most dependable cleaners

If you’re looking for responsible and experienced cleaners, look no further than Reliable Cleaning Services. We have years of experience in the industry, and we use only the best products and equipment. We’re also insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands.

Our company offers a wide range of services so that every customer gets exactly what they need.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and ensure your home is fresh, neat, and hygienic. Let us do all the work so that you can focus on some me-time at Boyd Lake State Park.

6 Benefits of Hiring Professional Cleaners

Keeping your home clean sometimes seems like a neverending task. There’s always more laundry to do, toys to put away, or dishes to wash. There may also be certain chores you never seem to get to because you put them off for later.

So, why not get experts to do the work for you? If you’re still on the fence, explore the following 6 perks of hiring professionals and see for yourself how cleaners in Loveland, CO can make your life easier.

Why should I hire professionals to clean my home?

why should I hire professionals to clean my home

Changing your tidying routine and letting people you don’t know take care of your home might sound daunting, but it comes with many short-term and long-term benefits. Here are 6 reasons why having pro cleaners is a good idea:

Your home will get a quality clean-up

When you go with the top company, the people making sure your home is fresh and clean are qualified, trained, and experienced. They know the best and fastest way to tackle any cleaning challenge. A professional crew will manage to tidy up areas you have trouble with and get to that chore you keep postponing.

With a skilled team, you can rest assured your house or apartment is thoroughly cleaned.

Forget about buying supplies

Finding the right equipment can be a hassle, and you may go through a lot of trial and error and waste your time and money. If pros are handling the tidying up, they bring the supplies with them. 

An added perk is having a team that uses both tried-and-tested and eco-friendly products. Whether your chosen cleaners use such supplies is one of the questions you may want to ask before sealing the deal.

Making sure to ask about everything you want to know in advance is only one of the tips for hiring a house cleaning company.

You’ll come back to a hygienic home

Not only will you have a spick and span home, but you also won’t have to worry about germs, bacteria, and allergens. You’ll feel safer and healthier in your home with the help of a quality cleaning service.

More free time to focus on other things

Detailed house cleaning can eat up a lot of your time without even realizing it. On top of constantly tidying something, you may need to do a deep cleaning before important guests come over. The more detailed the clean-up, the longer it takes. All this time is better spent on your other tasks or something fun. You can enjoy a relaxing day at Benson Sculpture Garden and then return to a fresh and clean home.

Customize your tidying plan

Every home and homeowner are different. You may have some unique furniture that requires a special type of cleaning or your budget is limited. This is why you may want to personalize the company’s standard offer so that you get exactly what your home needs. 

Not having more than one cleaning option could be a red flag as you might not get what you’re looking for. So, be sure to research potential companies you’d like to work with.

You’ll feel less stressed-out

Not having to worry about yet another chore is a huge relief. You won’t feel bad about not getting to the tasks you were supposed to and you won’t be nervous about unannounced guests showing up.

Gaining extra free time will also contribute to you feeling more relaxed and happy in your own home.

how to find expert cleaners in Loveland

It’s easy to find expert cleaners in Loveland, CO

If all these perks seem like something you can’t wait to experience, Reliable Cleaning Services is at your disposal. With our extensive offer, customizable cleaning, and fully trained and vetted professionals, you won’t be disappointed.

Our cleaners in Loveland, CO, and nearby areas have years of experience working with homeowners and an excellent reputation backed by numerous testimonials you can find on our website.

Feel free to give us a call or book an appointment online and let us take care of your home!