Author: reliablecleaningcolo

6 Effective Tips for Removing Fingerprints from Stainless Steel Surfaces

Stainless steel surfaces lend a modern look to any kitchen, but one pesky problem that often plagues them is the appearance of fingerprints. Those smudges and smears can quickly turn a pristine surface into an eyesore. Reliable companies in Severance offer extensive cleaning services that can help you take care of your surfaces. 

However, there are several effective do-it-yourself solutions available to combat and eliminate fingerprints. In this article, we’ll explore 6 tried and tested solutions that will help you restore the lustrous shine of your stainless steel. Say goodbye to those annoying fingerprints and hello to a spotless kitchen! Let’s dive into these simple yet effective methods for removing fingerprints from stainless steel surfaces.

How do you get smudges off stainless steel surfaces?

Taking proper care of your stainless steel surfaces is essential to keep them shiny and long-lasting. While smudges can be a common annoyance, there are several effective methods to remove them and restore the clean, polished look. Here are some steps to get rid of them:

Microfiber cloth and warm water

One of the simplest and gentlest ways to remove smudges is by using a microfiber cloth and warm water. Dampen the cloth with warm water and wring out any excess moisture. Gently wipe the smudged areas in the direction of the grain, applying light pressure. This method is safe for most stainless steel surfaces and is particularly effective for light smudges.

White vinegar solution

White vinegar is an effective natural cleaning agent. Create a solution by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. Dampen a microfiber cloth with the solution and gently wipe the smudged areas. Again, make sure to follow the grain of the surface. 

Rinse the cloth and wipe the surface with clean water to remove any vinegar residue. Finally, dry the surface with a soft cloth to prevent water spots.

Glass cleaner

If the smudges are particularly stubborn, you can try using a glass product that contains no ammonia. Spray a small amount onto a microfiber cloth and gently wipe the smudged areas in the direction of the grain. Be cautious not to spray directly onto the surface, as overspray can cause streaks. After wiping, use a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue and then dry the surface thoroughly.

Stainless steel cleaner or polish

For tougher smudges or for an extra shine, you can use a stainless steel cleaner or polish specifically designed for stainless steel surfaces. Apply a small amount to a microfiber cloth and gently rub it onto the smudged areas in the direction of the grain. 

Follow the instructions provided with the product, as some may require a short waiting time before buffing or rinsing. Afterward, wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth and then dry it thoroughly.

Baking soda paste

Baking soda is a versatile and effective agent that can help remove smudges. Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water until it forms a thick consistency. Apply it to the smudged areas and gently rub it in using a soft cloth or sponge. Allow the paste to sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth.

Commercial stainless steel wipes

Commercially available wipes are convenient options for removing smudges. These wipes are pre-moistened with a gentle solution designed for stainless steel surfaces. Simply take a wipe and gently rub it on the smudged areas, following the grain. These wipes usually leave a streak-free finish and often have protective properties that help repel future smudges.

Remember to always test any cleaning method or product on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire surface. This way, you can ensure that the product or method doesn’t cause any adverse reactions or damage the surface.

Where in Severance can I find quality cleaning services?

When you’re looking for the best way to restore shine to your stainless steel countertops or you want to know what to avoid when cleaning your stainless steel appliances, Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins is your go-to team. Our committed and skilled professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the outstanding service you deserve. Our comprehensive services are available across Weld County. All you need to do is call now! 

The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances have become a popular choice for modern kitchens, thanks to their sleek appearance and durability. However, keeping them looking their best requires regular cleaning and maintenance. With reliable cleaning services in Severance, you won’t have to worry about taking proper care of your appliances, but learning more about the right techniques and some handy tips is always useful. 

In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the most effective methods and products to clean stainless steel, as well as essential maintenance practices to prolong their lifespan. Whether you have a stainless steel refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, or other appliances, this guide will provide you with all the knowledge you need to keep them sparkling and in top-notch condition.

How do you clean and maintain stainless steel appliances?

Proper maintenance of your stainless steel appliances is crucial to preserve their aesthetic appeal and longevity. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively clean and maintain them:

Gather the necessary supplies

Before you start the process, gather the following supplies: microfiber cloths, mild dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, water, stainless steel polish, and a soft-bristle brush.

Read the manufacturer’s instructions

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific recommendations and any warnings regarding the use of certain products or methods. This ensures that you don’t inadvertently damage your appliances.

Regular wiping

To prevent the buildup of fingerprints, smudges, and general dirt, wipe down your stainless steel appliances regularly with a soft, microfiber cloth. This helps to maintain their shine and keep them looking clean.

Remove stains and grime

For more stubborn stains or grease buildup, create a gentle solution by mixing warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap. Dampen a microfiber cloth with the solution and wipe the affected areas in the direction of the grain. Avoid using abrasive materials or scrubbing pads, as they can scratch the surface of the stainless steel.

Tackle fingerprints and smudges

To remove fingerprints and smudges, dampen a microfiber cloth with water and wipe the affected areas gently. For stubborn marks, a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar can be effective. Always wipe in the direction of the grain to avoid leaving streaks.

Dealing with tough stains

For tougher stains or discoloration, make a paste by combining baking soda with water until it forms a thick consistency. Apply the paste to the stained area, gently scrub with a soft-bristle brush or cloth, and rinse thoroughly. This method helps to lift stains and restore the shine of your stainless steel surfaces.

Avoid harsh products

Avoid using abrasive cleaners, bleach, ammonia, or products containing chlorine, as they can damage the stainless steel surface. These harsh chemicals can cause discoloration, pitting, or etching, so it’s best to stick to mild, non-abrasive solutions.

Dry thoroughly

After cleaning, make sure to dry the stainless steel surface thoroughly to prevent water spots or streaks. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to wipe away any remaining moisture.

Apply a stainless steel polish

To enhance the shine and protect the surface, you can use a stainless steel polish. Follow the instructions provided with the product and apply it sparingly using a clean, soft cloth. Buff the surface in the direction of the grain for a polished finish.

Routine maintenance

In addition to regular cleaning, there are a few maintenance practices you can incorporate to keep your stainless steel appliances in optimal condition. Avoid using abrasive sponges or scrub brushes, as they can scratch the surface. Be mindful of acidic or corrosive substances coming into contact with the stainless steel, as they can cause damage.

Who provides comprehensive cleaning services in Severance?

Whether you need to thoroughly disinfect your home or just give it a regular spruce up, reach out to Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins. We’re a team of reliable and dedicated professionals and we’re always ready to go the extra mile and exceed your expectations. Whether your property is in Severance or any other nearby area, you can count on our expertise. Give us a call today!  

4 Tips to Prepare for Thorough Housekeeping

Do you need to give your home a thorough scrub and don’t know where to start? Well, that’s nothing unusual! A comprehensive clean-up is a series of maintenance tasks that require careful preparation, tried-and-true upkeep tools, and a lot of patience. 

Since it isn’t as simple as you’d love it to be, you can always rely on house cleaning professionals from Timnath to do it for you. But if you really want to face this challenge yourself, here are 4 tips to help you prepare for your ambitious project.

How do I prepare for a comprehensive clean-up?

How do I prepare for a comprehensive clean-up?

To finish all the chores as smoothly as possible, it’s a good idea to first take the following 4 preparatory steps:

1. Estimate the scope of work.

First and foremost, observe what tasks you need to perform. Do you need to restore order in your closets? Does your carpet need a deep clean? What about your showerhead? Is it clogged?

Go around your home and jot down all the jobs you need to do. This will help you determine the proper order in which you should complete them, how much time you’ll need to do them, and what supplies are essential. You can also allocate chores to different family members and make a schedule that suits everyone.

2. Pick a day when you can focus on the task at hand.

If you try to squeeze a detailed tidy-up project into a hectic day, you’ll only end up being overwhelmed and frustrated because you might not have enough time to finish everything you planned. So reserve a whole day off for it. You’ll be devoted to the task at hand without worrying about your other obligations.

3. Get the supplies ready.

To be as efficient as possible, you should have all the cleaning essentials handy. This will save you from the unnecessary stress of not having enough microfiber cloths, and the extendible duster will be there when you need it.

Tools and supplies you’ll probably need include microfiber cloths, buckets, mops, a vacuum cleaner, dish soap, white vinegar, baking soda, and plenty of water. You might need an extendible duster and a ladder for tall corners, ceiling fans, and fixtures.

Various essential oils can also be a part of your upkeep arsenal as they can remove grime, kill germs and alleviate your headaches and allergies. You’ll also need personal protective equipment (gloves and face masks) to protect yourself while cleaning.

Bonus tip

No need for commercial products that may be toxic and expose your family to dangerous fumes. Eco-friendly alternatives are excellent for any cleaning challenge. 

4. Learn which substances work best on different surfaces.

Before getting down to business, you need to know what agents suit particular maintenance challenges.

Baking soda and white vinegar are widely praised as powerful DIY solutions for various tasks and have been used for a long time, but they’re not suitable for all surfaces. For example, baking soda is abrasive and can ruin hardwood sealants. On the other hand, white vinegar is acidic and can permanently destroy marble.

Final note

This last step might seem time-consuming as you’ll need to do some in-depth research. However, it’ll pay off as you’ll preserve your surface’s initial beauty.

Where can I find trustworthy house cleaning professionals in Timnath?

Where can I find trustworthy house cleaning professionals in Timnath?

Getting ready for a demanding home maintenance session that targets your entire household isn’t easy. That’s why you should let Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins save you from headaches you might have if things don’t work out as you’ve planned.

We’ll send in trained experts who can handle all tasks instead of you. With them at your side, you’ll get a tidy and nice-smelling house and more time to relax with your family and friends in Downtown Timnath. Book now!

3 Effective DIY Cleaning Supplies

When restoring order in your household, you’re usually unsure what supplies to use. You’ve come across many commercially-applauded products, but their ingredient lists often bewilder you. There’re so many chemicals you have never heard of. So you begin to wonder if this product-choosing process can be more straightforward.

Well, yes, it can. Professionals from Timnath, Colorado, who offer a reliable cleaning service in the area, share the 3 most efficient DIY alternatives with you today. Read on!

What DIY cleaning supplies are efficient?

What DIY cleaning supplies are efficient?

As a responsible homeowner, you strive to create a healthy, chemical-free environment for your family. The greatest challenge you may face in your mission is deciding what housekeeping tools to use around your home.

Well, no need for expensive store-bought products. Here are 3 indispensable natural cleaners that can take home maintenance to the next level.

1. Baking soda

Did you know that Ancient Egyptians used natron, which contains baking soda, for cleaning and mummifying purposes? This was probably the first instance of a baking soda cleaning application.

Baking soda obtained popularity in the USA thanks to Arm & Hammer Company which advertised its potent anti-grease and deodorizing properties.

What makes it so effective at cutting through the gunk and removing odors is its alkaline base. On top of that, it’s mildly abrasive. It’ll eliminate any sticky stains, and food remains without scratching the surface.

You can use it for the most demanding kitchen tasks. It’ll make your oven sparkle, unclog your drain, and deodorize your garbage disposal. It’s excellent for bathrooms too. You can use it for the toilet bowl, tiles, and sinks.

Fun fact 

To mark the Statue of Liberty’s 100th Birthday, baking soda was applied to the inner copper walls. This gave astonishing results. The initial shine was restored, and the 99-year-old layer of dirt was removed, leaving the copper untarnished.

A word of caution

Since it’s slightly abrasive, you shouldn’t use it for marble, hardwood, and glass maintenance.

2. White vinegar

White vinegar has had a vibrant history as a cleaner and disinfectant too. For example, medieval knights used vinegar to make their chainmail shiny. Today it’s widely praised as a natural acidic alternative to harsh chemicals as it’s been proven to prevent food poisoning and inhibit the growth of Salmonella (up to 95%) and E-coli (100%). 

Acetic acid, its active cleaning component, removes smells, destroys some microbe cells, and hinders their development, making white vinegar the best household agent. You can sanitize your kitchen appliances with it, including your fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, coffee maker, etc.

It’s versatile in the bathroom, too. You can use it for your toilet, mirror, showerhead, shower door, sink, and faucets.


White vinegar can damage natural stone surfaces, so it’s unsuitable for marble.

3. Essential oils

Throughout history, they’ve been used for self-care and in medicine. Evidence indicates that Egyptians were essential oil pioneers.

But they can also enhance the antifungal properties of vinegar and baking soda. In addition to masking vinegar’s pungent smell, they’re antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiallergenic. They can remove slimy residue, kill pathogens and improve indoor air quality.

Here is one essential oil multipurpose cleaner recipe:

  • Grab a spray bottle and pour white vinegar and distilled water (50/50) into it. 
  • Add 30 drops of lemon essential oil, shake and apply to various surfaces (tables, countertops, glass, floors, etc.)

Where in Timnath, Colorado, can I book a dependable cleaning service?

Where in Timnath, Colorado, can I book a dependable cleaning service?

If you need to scrub your house in Timnath from wall to wall but have no idea how to get ready for this project, or if concocting homemade solutions isn’t your thing, call in the experts to save your day. Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins is prepared to respond to your needs.

Our team of professionals is trained to identify every household’s needs, and they can tailor their services to put a smile back on your face. Enjoy your time at Timnath Community Park, and let the top maids make your home shine. Call today!

6 Essential Tools for Housekeeping

Whether you need to do a quick tidy-up or scrub your home from wall to wall, you need some supplies to get the job done. The Internet abounds with commercially praised products and tools that are supposed to make your life easier. But do you really need all of them?

We asked professionals who provide cleaning services throughout Timnath, CO, to explain what housekeeping tools are absolutely necessary. Here’s what they say. Keep reading to learn more!

What are some useful cleaning tools?

What are some useful cleaning tools?

The success of a house maintenance project depends on having the right supplies and equipment. Here is a list of must-have upkeep tools.

Vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaners are an essential part of your maintenance toolkit as they can trap numerous allergens and dirt particles all around the house. They come with different attachments. You can use them for your floors, carpets, upholstery, high wall corners, and even blinds. You just need to make sure to use the appropriate attachment.

Also, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter would be the best choice as they have the power to suck up 99.97% of all pollutants at least three microns in diameter.

Broom and a dustpan

People in the past couldn’t imagine cleaning a floor without a broom and dustpan. However, today, sweeping the floor isn’t usually recommended as it stimulates airborne particle circulation.

Still, a broom and a dustpan can come in handy when dealing with larger pieces of debris that can clog your vacuum cleaner.

Microfiber cloths

Microfiber is a super-absorbent material that can grab impurities much better than cotton cloths due to its positive charge. It’s also better than a sponge because it’s machine-washable and dries fast, so it can’t become a hotbed for undesirable microorganisms. 

It’s a durable material suitable for various surfaces around your house too. You can use it with any agent, including your own homemade solutions. You just need to machine-wash it separately, as it can trap dirt from other pieces of laundry.

Mops and buckets

Mops and buckets are also a necessary part of your housekeeping arsenal. Moping goes after vacuuming and adds the final touch to your floor. You also need a mop when you disinfect the floor. 

When it comes to buckets, they make you more mobile as you can move your cleaning/disinfecting solution as you work. Again, opt for microfiber mops as they’re more efficient at removing all the impurities and much easier to take care of. 

Toilet brush

While you can use microfiber cloths to address various surfaces in your bathroom, a good toilet brush is necessary for dealing with your toilet. It removes impurities more efficiently, and it reduces your direct contact with contaminated areas. Additionally, it prevents germs from spreading to other surfaces.

Extendible duster

An extendible duster is useful when you need to tackle hard-to-reach areas. You’ll be able to reach the ceiling fan, the top of your entertainment center, and other high spots in your home. Just make sure to apply the top-to-bottom dusting approach, as you don’t want to stain areas you’ve already tackled.

Where can I find dependable cleaning services in Timnath, CO?

Don’t have time to look for tips on how to prepare for a thorough scrub and finish it before the holiday season hits? Need reliable professionals to make your home shine? Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins can help you out.

The experts we cooperate with are trustworthy and experienced. With them on your side, you can enjoy the winter at Weitzel Park without thinking about the germs and grime in your household. Our professionals will deal with them for you. Book today!

A Brief History of Cleaning

With a busy schedule, keeping your household hygiene under control can prove rather challenging. Luckily, you have all the modern equipment and products available to speed up the process. On top of that, you can always hire a reliable maid service from Timnath to help you out.

However, have you ever thought about how people kept their homes clean back in time? Did they use any DIY housekeeping supplies, and how did they make them? Check out the article below as we delve into the history of home maintenance. Read on!

How has cleaning evolved over time?

How has cleaning evolved over time?

Home upkeep is an essential part of our lives. Not only does it satisfy our aesthetic desires, but it’s also the first line of defense against invisible and potentially deadly pathogens

But did you know that housekeeping has a long and vibrant history? The perception of cleanliness has changed over time, and people have handled it differently. Below are some examples to illustrate the dynamic nature of this aspect of human existence. Let’s start from the very beginning.

The birth of cleaning practices

Archeological research shows us that our distant ancestors practiced hygiene. Namely, Babylonians were the first soap-makers. Some evidence indicates that they started using soap around 2800 B.C. They boiled fat with ashes to make the first product.

Ancient Egyptians made their version of soap too. They combined vegetable and animal fat with alkaline salts. A papyrus dating back to 1500 B.C. states they used these mixtures to treat skin diseases and for washing.

Ancient Greeks and Romans valued hygiene as well. The Greeks mixed ash, clay, and sand with oils, whereas the Romans built public baths and used soap made of animal fat. Enslaved people carried out all maintenance work for their powerful slaveholders in all these civilizations.

Dark unhygienic ages

After the decline of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, a gloomy and grimy period emerged. Hygienic standards plummeted. Consequently, various diseases spread and took their toll. People were unaware of the link between personal and home hygiene and diseases until the Renaissance. 


During the Renaissance, people started paying attention to hygiene as some scientific inventions, especially the microscope, changed people’s perspectives on the connection between cleanliness and health. 

The 17th century saw the advent of the custom and popularity of keeping things tidy. Following this, manufacturers began producing soaps that became widely consumed and eventually became an integral part of cleaning routines.

As is the case with ancient times, the wealthy hired lower-class women to do tedious housekeeping tasks. Since these women had limited employment options, they were mainly paid little compensation.

The Modern Age

Nowadays, people are aware of the significance of personal and living space hygiene. They have a wide variety of available tools such as vacuum cleaners, dusters, microfiber cloths, mops, etc. When in doubt, they can google helpful maintenance tips and tricks on how to prepare for the task at hand, and they can always hire professionals to do the job for them.

Cleaning has become a booming industry, with many companies hiring top experts trained to face any cleaning challenge. These companies provide top-notch services and adhere to high hygiene standards. 

Who offers a reliable maid service in Timnath?

Would you like to forget about dusting your home and take your kids to Timnath Community Park instead? With Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins at your service, you can do it.

Just reach out, and we’ll match you with a team of trustworthy professionals who will do whatever is in their power to make your day. They’ll scrub every inch of your home, making it fresh and healthy. Schedule an appointment today!

Guide to Speed Cleaning Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is one of your most private retreats where you like to unwind and forget about your hectic days. But unfortunately, it requires some cleaning too. If you get too relaxed, fail to tidy up regularly, and keep scattering your stuff there, you may soon start feeling bad about the mess, as clutter and dust have been proven to cause anxiety and depression.

But your day lasts only 24 hours. How can you add another chore to your daily to-do list? Well, why not hire Windsor, CO, based cleaning experts who offer maid services in the area and let them handle your household maintenance challenges? 

Or, if you’re eager to learn to do it yourself, we have prepared a simple 8-step guide on how to speed clean your bedroom. Read on!

What is the fastest way to clean a bedroom?

If you have limited time to spruce up your bedroom, here’s how to do it in 8 easy steps:

1. Estimate the scope of work.

Before getting down to business, it’s always good to figure out what chores you need to do. This way, you can gauge how much time you’ll need and what supplies are necessary. 

2. Gather your supplies.

Once you know what you’re supposed to do, get all the supplies ready. You’ll most likely need several microfiber cloths, a bucket, a vacuum cleaner, a mop, a trash bag/can, dish soap, warm water, and a hamper.

3. Pick up dirty clothes.

You probably have some worn socks and clothes next to the bed, so toss everything in the hamper. If you find any trash, throw it in a trash bag.

4. Fold and hang clothes.

Return your clean clothes to the closet. This step might be the most time-consuming, depending on how many clothes you need to deal with, but it’s essential. Once you organize your belongings properly, you won’t need to turn your closet upside down, looking for something you want to wear.

5. Dust around the room.

Pour a few drops of dish soap into warm water, grab a microfiber cloth, and dampen it slightly. Then, wipe dusty surfaces, applying the top-to-bottom approach. This means you should start from the highest areas and then gradually move to the floor. 

6. Straighten up your nightstand.

If your nightstand is overflowing with items that don’t belong there, take this moment to inspect what needs to go. You can place these things in a box and deal with them once you have more free time. Wipe the nightstand with dish soap and warm water, rinse, dry, and arrange your bedroom essentials wisely.

7. Make the bed.

You might need to change the sheeting if you forgot to do it for a while. A well-kept bed is crucial for a healthy night’s sleep as it doesn’t harbor dust mites, pollen, and other allergens.

8. Vacuum and mop the floor.

As is the case with sprucing up your living room or scrubbing your kitchen, the floor comes last. Vacuum it carefully, going under the bed and other pieces of furniture if possible. Finally, mop it and let it air dry.

Bonus tips: How to keep your bedroom tidy.

If you don’t want to be overwhelmed with tidying up your bedroom, spend your time there wisely. Don’t hoard your belongings or throw your clothes everywhere. Also, make your bed every morning. A neat bed can enhance the appearance of your bedroom significantly.

Where in Windsor, CO, can I find reliable maid services for my home?

We all know we should make our bed first thing in the morning or refrain from leaving our belongings all around, but it’s easier said than done. And what about the bathroom, the most challenging room to clean? You don’t have time to disinfect it regularly, do you? Well, we have great news for you. 

Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins are here to save your day! Just reach out, and we’ll send a kind, experienced, and bonded crew to make your Windsor home spick and span. Call us today!

6 Steps to Clean Your Living Room Fast

The living room is one of those areas that require your constant attention. If you neglect it, it can quickly lose its intended elegance and resemble a cramped storage room.

Due to your busy schedule, you may lack time to keep your living room presentable, so relying on maid services from Windsor, CO, can give you peace of mind. But it’s always good to know a few tricks yourself. Read the article below to see how you can tidy up your living room in no time!

What is the easiest way to clean a living room?

Putting a messy living room back in order may seem complicated, but it’s possible if you take the right approach. Here is how you can do it.

1. Get your supplies ready.

Having the arsenal of cleaning tools and products handy is essential if you want to be as productive as possible. Imagine you start cleaning and then realize you don’t have the proper vacuum cleaner attachment. In that case, you’ll need to stop cleaning, go fetch it, and waste valuable time.

For a quick living room clean-up, you’ll need a duster, a few microfiber cloths, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, dish soap, warm water, a bucket, and a box.

2. Declutter the room.

Place everything that doesn’t belong in the living room into a box and throw away the stuff you don’t need. This way, you’ll clear the surfaces you’re about to wipe and won’t be distracted by the mess.

3. Dust and wipe.

The order in which you deal with the surfaces is vital for your efficiency. If you wipe the coffee table first and then tackle the ceiling fan, you risk contaminating the coffee table again. 

So, start by dry dusting the highest areas of the room (high wall corners, picture frames, top of the entertainment center, etc.). Next, pour a few drops of dish soap into warm water. Then, dampen a microfiber cloth, wring it, and address the surfaces with it. Don’t forget to replace cloths and dish soap-water mixture regularly.

4. Give your couch a facelift.

Address the couch with a hand-held vacuum cleaner and fluff the cushions. If you have furry pets that like to jump on furniture, you can use a lint roller to pick up their hair.

5. Wipe the coffee table.

Use dish soap and warm water for this purpose. Make sure never to oversaturate the cloth, as excess moisture can damage your belongings.

6. Vacuum and mop the floor.

Vacuum the floor and carpets carefully, paying attention to hidden areas behind and under the furniture as you want to collect as much dust as possible. Then, grab a mop and give your floor the final touch by moping it thoroughly. Let it air dry, and you’re done!

Extra tips:

If you have time, you can wash your windows too. You can do this before tackling your couch and coffee table. To make your windows sparkle, you can use a store-bought glass cleaner, or you can make your own DIY solution.

If you decide to go the DIY route, you’ll need ½ cup of white vinegar, 2 cups of distilled water, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle, spritz on the window panes, and wipe down with a clean microfiber cloth.

Who offers outstanding maid services in Windsor, CO?

If you don’t want to spend your free time sprucing up your bathroom, or if you need help restoring order to your kitchen and making your bedroom fresh and tidy, don’t hesitate to contact Reliable Cleaning Services of Fort Collins. Our trained experts will come to your address fully equipped and ready to make your living space sparkle. Enjoy cycling at the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area, and let top industry professionals take care of your home hygiene. Book today!